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Preparing for a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

Preparing for a Hurricane or Tropical Storm

1. Stay Informed
  • Sign up for local emergency alerts and warnings.

  • Monitor weather reports and follow guidance from local authorities.

2. Create an Emergency Plan
  • Develop a family emergency communication plan.

  • Identify evacuation routes and local shelters.

  • Plan for special needs of family members, including pets.

3. Review Insurance Policies
  • Ensure that homeowners and renters insurance policies are up-to-date.

  • Verify that the coverage includes hurricane and flood damage.

  • Consider purchasing additional coverage if necessary.

4. Build an Emergency Kit
  • Include essentials like water, non-perishable food, medications, first-aid supplies, flashlights, batteries, and important documents.

  • Consider storing documents like insurance policies and identification in a waterproof container.

5. Safeguard Property
  • Inspect and repair the roof, windows, and doors to ensure they can withstand high winds.

  • Install storm shutters or plywood to protect windows.

  • Trim trees and shrubs to prevent them from damaging property during strong winds.

6. Backup Important Data
  • Digitize important documents and store them securely in the cloud or on an external hard drive.

  • Ensure that business and personal financial records are backed up regularly. (eStatements are a great way to ensure your statements are accessible digitally)

7. Financial Preparedness
  • Set aside an emergency fund to cover unexpected expenses.

  • Make sure to have cash on hand, as ATMs and branches may be inaccessible during and after a hurricane.

  • Keep a list of important financial contacts, such as contact numbers and insurance companies.

8. Protect Electronic Devices
  • Use surge protectors to safeguard electronic devices.

  • Keep mobile phones and portable chargers fully charged.

9. Plan for Recovery
  • Understand the steps to file an insurance claim after a hurricane.

  • Know where to access resources for recovery assistance.

10. Community Support
  • Stay connected with neighbors, especially those who may need additional assistance during a hurricane.


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